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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Driscoll, Denise M WL - CISTAR M/P Professional $ 88,745.28
Driscoll, Maxwell A WL - Campus Master Planni M/P Professional $ 23,612.58

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Driscoll, WL - Transportation Servi Service
Rudisail, Christina WL - Chemistry faculty
Lafon, WL - 4DDI Clerical
Ginther, WL - 4CMSC Continuing Lecturer
Tyner, Barton WL - O Limited Term Lect
Gosney, WL - Strategic Management Post Doc
Jumde, WL - Statistics Student
Kulkarni, Swapneel WL - Food Stores Temporary
Marshall, Thomas WL - IT Student Solutions Support
Harris, Martha CAL - Vice Chancellor Adm facult
Bentley, Lonnie WL - Academic 2 Admin/Prof

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