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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Drake, Heather M CAL - 1CollegeEandS Admin/Prof $ 40,401.61
Drake, James M FW - 2Intl Lang Continuing Lecturer $ 67,074.22
Drake, Laura WL - 4VisandPerfArt Faculty $ 82,411.22
Drake, Laurel G WL - 4Math Limited Term Lect $ 9,223.66
Drake, Payton E WL - 4Polytechnic Admin/Prof $ 44,848.62
Drake, Randy D WL - 4Grounds WL Service $ 56,461.64
Drake Smith, Cheryl L WL - 4Bus Ofc VPR Admin/Prof $ 47,022.12

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Drake, FW - Chancellor facult
Hart, WL - Woodland Management Temporary
Bylund, Doug WL - 4Acct Svc Faculty
Parnell, WL - 4Fin Aid Clin Res or NonTT
DeLa, FW - Printing Services Mgmt/Prof
Heath, WL - University Residence Police Hourly
Hartley, WL - 4Legal Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Lanter, FW - International Langua Fire/Police Mgmt
Zhang, GuangJun WL - Employee Relations Clerical
Hasti, WL - Earhart Dining Service
Friend, FW - 2Regis Continuing Lecturer

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