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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Dowdy, Aarika C FW - Dental Education Temporary Cler/Serv $ 1,280.99

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Charlesworth, Linda WL - Center for Career Op Operations/Technical
Mc Nicholas, Katie WL - 4Civil Eng Admin/Prof
Reimer, Torsten CAL - Campus Planning Post doc
Bussick, Timothy CAL - Constuct Sci Mgmt/Prof
Johnson, Beverly WL - Electrical Continuing Lecturer
Brownotter, Carissa CAL - Purdue Calumet Wate facult
Lamb, Dawn WL - Mechanical Engineeri Temporary
Wan Salim, Wan Wardatul Amani WL - Electrical and Compute Non-exempt Prof
Zander, Cathleen WL - Heat and Power Adminis Police Hourly

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