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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Dou, Ling WL - IT Enterprise Applic Admin/Prof $ 54,325.92
Doucette, Jarrod S WL - Forestry and Natural Admin/Prof $ 43,789.86
Doucette, Suzanne C WL - Chemistry Faculty $ 89,806.87
Doud, Nicholas D NC - Student Athletics Temporary Cler/Serv $ 22,321.59
Doudarev, Anatolii T WL - Agriculture Informat Admin/Prof $ 71,601.48
Doudareva, Natalia WL - Horticulture and Lan Faculty $ 206,426.51
Dougan, Janice M WL - Field Extension Educ Admin/Prof $ 58,618.08
Dougherty, Terence J CAL - Department of Biolo Faculty $ 11,488.39
Dougherty, Terrence E FW - Information Technolo Admin/Prof $ 59,255.88
Doughty, Teresa T WL - Educational Studies Faculty $ 98,797.63
Douglas, Bonnie J WL - Libraries Clerical $ 36,107.62
Douglas, Cami L WL - Department of Pharma Temporary Cler/Serv $ 894.00
Douglas, Fred A WL - School of Veterinary Mgmt/Prof $ 70,373.10
Douglas, Kerrie A WL - Engineering Educatio Post Doc Intern Res $ 31,595.85
Douglas, Kimberly R WL - Harrison Residence H Service $ 2,668.78
Douglas, Mark A WL - Intercollegiate Athl Service $ 31,187.83
Douglas, Norma K WL - Business Ofc Support Admin/Prof $ 55,111.38
Douglas, Sheryl M WL - Building Services Service $ 28,188.27
Douglass, Cassandra R WL - Veterinary Medical T Operations/Technical $ 22,805.15
Douglass, Derek L WL - Operations and Mainten Service $ 36,987.87
Douse, Christopher D FW - Office Diversity and M Admin/Prof $ 46,401.91

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Dou, WL - 4PCDD faculty
Tyler, NC - English facult
Aldridge, Jill WL - Latino Cultural Cent Admin/Prof
Siskind, Jeffrey CAL - Behavioral Sciences Clinical/Research
Watts, Val CAL - School of Education M/P Management
Hong, Wei NC - White Lodging School Service
Hung, Chen-Lung WL - 4Convenience Student
Dixon, Jameson WL - Food Stores Temporary Cler/Serv
Qu, Ming WL - 4Univer Band Clerical
Warter, WL - Biological Sciences Mgmt/Prof
Smith, Amanda WL - 4 Laf Stwd Support

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