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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Dolby, Nadine E WL - Curriculum & Ins Faculty $ 111,782.15

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Dolby, CAL - Construction Scienc Admin/Prof
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Gunderson, Michael WL - Materials Engineerin Student
Allen, Emily WL - Northeast - Purdue A Clerical
Gunderson, Michael WL - Center for Commercia Faculty
Johnson, William WL - College of Agricultu Service
Huddleston, Jeffrey WL - Svc Enterprise and P Post Doc Intern Res
Sirohi, Devika WL - Field Extension Educ Operations/Technical
Ratcliff, Nikki WL - Flatbreads Fire/Police Mgmt
Deitrich, Amy WL - Operations and Mainten Post Doc
Ridgway, FW - Chancellor Support

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