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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Dixon, Barbara H WL - College of Liberal A Mgmt/Prof $ 92,902.92
Dixon, Cheryl L WL - Financial Aid Admin/Prof $ 38,517.18
Dixon, Christy L WL - College of Liberal A Admin/Prof $ 71,734.44
Dixon, Christy L WL - Shreve Residence Hal Service $ 19,392.58
Dixon, Colleen K FW - Comptroller Admin/Prof $ 49,049.20
Dixon, Felicia A WL - PEC Distance Learnin Limited Term Lect $ 1,125.00
Dixon, Guy M WL - Heat and Power Adminis Service $ 50,409.33
Dixon, Kathy G WL - Graduate School Admi Admin/Prof $ 65,862.86
Dixon, Kimberly D WL - Business Office Engi Mgmt/Prof $ 64,708.78
Dixon, Paul B WL - School of Languages Faculty $ 123,918.12

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Dixon, NC - Heating and Power facult
Whipple, Michelle FW - Library Student
Ziviani, NC - Chemistry Professional
Tescarollo, CAL - Counseling Ctr Limited Term Lect
Bell, Mark CAL - Admissions M/P Management
Bobalik, John WL - Food Stores faculty
Ostafe, Raluca WL - Tarkington Residence Post Doc
Reed, Patrick WL - VP Information Tech Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Ayala, Malissa NC - Financial Aid Admin/Prof
Buno, Kevin WL - Laboratory of Renewa Graduate Student
Weilbaker, Theresa FW - Sociology Service

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