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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Dewey, Curtis W WL - Technical Assistance Operations/Technical $ 35,313.69

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Dewey, FW - Building Services Post doc
Bauer, Anna FW - Grounds Temporary
Nour, WL - 4PhysandAstr Continuing Lecturer
Kaur, Jatinder FW - Dental Education Service
Crowell, Kenneth NC - Heating and Power Admin/Prof
Ator, Irene NC - Development Office Clin Res or NonTT
Sprau, Arline CAL - Ofc of Mrktg faculty
Odom, Laura FW - VC for Advancement A Operations/Technical
Hewson, Brooke WL - 4CarerSuces Fire/Police Admin
Wilkie, Scott CAL - 1VCFinAdmin Student
Bain, Robert WL - Building Services Professional

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