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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Desiree, Karina WL - Animal Sciences Professional $ 31,398.03

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Desiree, CAL - History and Politic Clerical
Li, Ninghui FW - Manufacturing and Cons faculty
Miller, WL - Vice President for E Post Doc
Moore, FW - Professional Studies Graduate Student
Mitchell, WL - Wiley Residence Hall Police Hourly
Hockerman, CAL - 1Career Ctr Temporary
Ragland, Darryl CAL - History Limited Term Lect
Nguyen, CAL - Counseling Center Mgmt/Prof
Na, WL - PEC Information Tech police
Olson, WL - Human Development an Fire/Police Admin
Ortiz, WL - Business Office Scie Admin/Prof

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