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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Denton, Andrew J WL - 4Police Dept Police Hourly $ 74,441.76
Denton, John P WL - 4Engr Techn Faculty $ 110,779.15
Denton, Nancy L WL - 4Engr Techn Faculty $ 142,963.53
Denton, Nicole N FW - 2Fin Aid Clerical $ 22,739.72

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Denton, CAL - Registrar Professional
Stantz, Keith FW - Office of Internatio Admin/Prof
Campbell, Tonya NC - Communication Service
Stinchcomb, WL - 4Earh Dining Temporary Cler/Serv
Underwood, FW - College Cable Access Student
Davis, John WL - 4Saf and Sec Operations/Technical
Zeltwanger, Mike FW - Cheerleading Faculty
Wettschurack, Cory WL - Agronomy Clerical
Zhang, Zhen WL - Master Data Manageme Mgmt/Prof
Jumde, Shripad CAL - Athletics Clin Res or NonTT
Spear, Corey WL - 4Col Of Sci Limited Term Lect

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Eaton, Elisabeth

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