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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Delgado, Huimei WL - 4Math Continuing Lecturer $ 65,440.88
Delgado, Maria N WL - 4PayrolllTax Admin/Prof $ 55,422.32
Delgado, Michael S WL - 4Ag Econ Faculty $ 123,270.66
Delgado-Norris, Evelyne M CAL - 1PolEcWLC Limited Term Lect $ 13,600.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Delgado, NC - Heating and Power Admin/Prof
Price, CAL - 1WLSHTM Temporary Cler/Serv
Francies, Harry CAL - Admissions Mgmt/Prof
Cawdron, WL - Tarkington Residence Clinical/Research
Swank, Paulina NC - Financial Aid Student
Inoue, Tomohito WL - Black Cultural Cente Operations/Technical
Panigrahi, WL - Honors College Limited Term Lect
Rundell, Ann FW - Sociology Service
Gill, WL - WL WILY RA M/P Professional
Lantis, Michael WL - College of Agricultu Police Hourly
Gaver, Cynthia WL - BIO Nutrition Rechar Faculty

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