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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Debelak, Rachel N WL - 4Success Admin/Prof $ 21,197.08

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Seidle, WL - Agronomy Admin/Prof
Debelak, WL - 4SchLangCltr Mgmt/Prof
Penrod, Candy WL - Biological Sciences Temporary
DeBoy, Ryan WL - Ag Student
Swaminathan, WL - Botany Fire/Police BW Sal
Scherer, David CAL - Mathematics Comput Clinical/Research
Osting, Jan WL - Speech Language and Clerical
Layman, WL - Animal Sciences Rese Service
Adams, Linda CAL - International Progr Temporary A/P
June, WL - Business Office - Pu faculty
Heitert, Robert WL - Business Office - Pu Operations/Technical

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