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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
De, Prabuddha WL - 4Management Faculty $ 226,353.69
De, Rupa C WL - 4Bio Sci Continuing Lecturer $ 53,316.96
De Armond, Nicole S WL - 4Agronomy Admin/Prof $ 47,417.00
de Branges de Bourcia, Louis WL - 4Math Faculty $ 134,133.66
de Cresce El Debs, Luciana WL - 4Schl Cnst M Faculty $ 114,483.39
De Freitas Teixeira, Rosane WL - 4Wind Dining Service $ 1,543.84
de Gortari, Amalia E WL - 4Vet Teach Admin/Prof $ 54,884.04
De Groot, Jerry CAL - 1MathStatCS Continuing Lecturer $ 70,620.92
De Jesus, Andrea E CAL - 1SchlEdConsl Clerical $ 23,643.03
De La Croix, Kent C WL - 4ITAS Mgmt/Prof $ 130,839.96
De La Fuente, Ariel E WL - 4History Faculty $ 90,076.21
de la Rue, Sarah R CAL - 1Chem Physic Limited Term Lect $ 25,260.50
De Leon, Kim R WL - 4ITAS Admin/Prof $ 69,649.08
de Lima Moraes, Andre G WL - 4Ag and Bio Post Doc Intern Res $ 27,531.41
De Lucenay, Audria N FW - 2SchoolofEdu Limited Term Lect $ 1,400.09
De Oliveira, Boo G WL - 4Interc Athl Mgmt/Prof $ 134,476.20
De Perre, Chloe WL - 4Agronomy Admin/Prof $ 57,990.42
De Venanzi, Augusto FW - 2ofAnthSocio Faculty $ 94,939.15
Deadman, Robert C WL - 4Comp and IT Visiting Fac/Emeriti $ 47,105.41
Deagan, Gail E WL - 4VisandPerfArt Continuing Lecturer $ 19,790.51
Deal, James David WL - 4VisandPerfArt Continuing Lecturer $ 60,316.84
Deal, Theodore L FW - 2Dental Educ Temporary Cler/Serv $ 2,698.88
Dean, Barry A WL - 4Meredith Service $ 22,341.15
Dean, Cassia L WL - 4VPStudntLif Admin/Prof $ 51,077.72
Dean, Jessica A CAL - 1Acct/Budget Admin/Prof $ 63,222.43
Dean, Judith L CAL - 1Dept Of Bio Limited Term Lect $ 5,508.00
Dearborn, Carly C WL - 4Libraries Admin/Prof $ 60,692.34
Deardorff, Kimberly A WL - 4CurricandInst Clerical $ 37,431.34
Deardurff, Victoria WL - 4BldgServ WL Service $ 24,253.74
Dearing, Darrin S FW - 2BldgServ Service $ 26,774.40

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
De, WL - Honors College Admin/Prof
Ramey, Linnette WL - 4MMD Clerical
Hook, Sarah CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Student
Mercado, CAL - Mathematics Comput Mgmt/Prof
Mathur, WL - Rolls Royce faculty
Marks, Shawn FW - Grounds Operations/Technical
Burkland, Deborah CAL - Graduate School Adm Post doc
Walker, Jane NC - Admissions Service
Sabol, Frank WL - Agronomy Limited Term Lect
Ramesh, Selvarajah NC - Nursing Temporary Cler/Serv
Martino, Lorenzo NC - Student Counseling Temporary

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