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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Culp, Jason J WL - Engineering Computer Admin/Prof $ 70,670.70

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Culp, WL - Food Anml/Therio Student
Daugherty, Jenny FW - Management and Marketi facult
Pena, WL - Data Processing Service
Bellina, Matthew CAL - Computer Informatio faculty
Stefanska, Barbara FW - Dept of Comp Elec and Temporary
Pence Barber, WL - Richmond Statewide T LTD
Marshall, WL - Richmond Statewide T Clerical
Baker, Victor WL - Polytechnic Richmond Mgmt/Prof
Webster, Jeffrey CAL - Computer Informatio Limited Term Lecture
Wang, Shiyan CAL - Computer Informatio Admin/Prof
Shideler, Keli WL - ProSTAR TLI Leadersh Post Doc Intern Res

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