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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Cruz, Alma D WL - Building Services Service $ 19,950.44
Cruz, Esmeralda WL - Field Extension Educ Operations/Technical $ 15,285.64
Cruz, Rodolfo CAL - Technological Infra Admin/Prof $ 72,078.60
Cruz, Wilfrido WL - Housing and Food Ser Admin/Prof $ 49,857.42
Cruz Torres, Aurora M WL - Vice President for R Admin/Prof $ 48,231.72

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Cruz, WL - SLHS Speech Clinic R Faculty
Purvis, WL - University Sustainab Temporary
McCabe, George WL - 4AAARCC Student
Smith, Charles FW - Rad Service
Ledman, Kenneth WL - Chemical Engineering Limited Term Lecture
Salvo, Michael WL - Procurement Services Fire/Police BW Sal
Marquis, Randyl WL - IT Networks and Securi Admin/Prof
Mellon, FW - Library Fellowship Pre Doc
Bella, CAL - 1EntAppSvcs facult
Yin, Chengdong WL - Office of Engagement Visiting Faculty
Green, Jonathan NC - Comp Info Tech Limited Term Lect

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