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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Craig, Bruce A WL - Statistics Faculty $ 152,397.80
Craig, Dennis P WL - Fire Equipment Servi Service $ 36,938.50
Craig, Jennifer L WL - Business Office Adva Mgmt/Prof $ 68,921.67
Craig, Joseph C NC - Social Science Limited Term Lect $ 14,850.01
Craig, M D WL - School of Languages Clerical $ 11,164.41
Craig, Rita J WL - Transportation Servi Clerical $ 30,498.04
Craig, Susan F CAL - Building Services Service $ 34,337.40

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Craig, WL - Tech Leadership Faculty
Dahl, Bernie NC - Student Services Resident
Yao, Bin NC - Student Athletics Temporary
Vanderkolk, NC - Student Counseling Admin/Prof
Williams, Jennifer WL - Office of Government Student
Hung, Chen-Lung WL - Registrar Operations/Technical
Cooper, Thomas WL - Internal Audit Fire/Police Mgmt
Mahorney, Robert WL - 4OfcRiskMgmt Mgmt/Prof
Foell, Mary NC - Student Counseling Professional
Turgeon, Brenda WL - Liberal Arts Counsel Clerical
Zhuang, WL - Global Health Fire/Police BW Sal

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