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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Corns, Charles E WL - Hilltop Apartments Service $ 9,356.58

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Corns, FW - Geosciences Continuing Lecturer
Filson, Ashley FW - Athletic Center Oper Service
Hodson, Scott WL - Summer Programs LTD
Sweeney, Kathryn WL - 4SummerPrgm Management
Sundaram, Vinaitheerthan WL - Cary Knight Spot Resident
Slopsema, FW - Geosciences Limited Term Lect
Brown, Julie CAL - VC Finance Fellowship Pre Doc
de Gortari, Amalia FW - Geosciences Limited Term Lecture
Ma, FW - Athletic Center Oper Post Doc
Crawford, Angela CAL - Vice Chancellor Adm Fire/Police BW Sal
Williams, CAL - Vice Chancellor Adm Professional

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