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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Cole, Audrea L WL - Tarkington Residence Service $ 22,808.78
Cole, Bart A WL - Police Department Police Hourly $ 61,071.59
Cole, Bettie J WL - Registrar Operations/Technical $ 39,699.31
Cole, Braden D WL - College of Health an Service $ 2,000.00
Cole, Cynthia A WL - College of Health an Service $ 15,817.73
Cole, Deborah L WL - Intercollegiate Athl Clerical $ 34,248.84
Cole, Dennis E WL - Veterinary Clinical Service $ 10,031.40
Cole, Diana F FW - Educational Studies Limited Term Lect $ 5,800.13
Cole, Erin L FW - Biology Temporary Cler/Serv $ 3,951.00
Cole, Erwin G WL - Building Services Service $ 10,772.41
Cole, Jacquelyn WL - IT Customer Relation Service $ 35,001.06
Cole, Lynn A WL - Physics Clerical $ 28,097.12
Colella, Brooke WL - Physical and Capital Admin/Prof $ 63,732.66
Colella, Grant D WL - Project Management Admin/Prof $ 55,420.86
Coleman, Amanda WL - Dean of Students Temporary Cler/Serv $ 16,507.70
Coleman, Kenneth L WL - Undergraduate Study Admin/Prof $ 1,500.00
Coleman, Norma L CAL - Teacher Preparation Limited Term Lect $ 2,400.04
Coleman, Stanley WL - Materials Management Service $ 26,732.38
Coleman, Thomas P WL - Purdue Memorial Unio Mgmt/Prof $ 78,746.17
Colenbrander, Karmin WL - Human Development an Temporary Cler/Serv $ 15,842.75
Coles, David FW - History Limited Term Lect $ 4,844.98

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Cole, FW - Summit Scholars Prog Admin/Prof
Titus, WL - Intercollegiate Athl Student
Laux, Dawn FW - Medical Education facult
Saurin, Margaret WL - PSIRC Recharge Temporary Cler/Serv
Fulk, WL - Insurance Services Service
Weiner, Andrew CAL - Hospitality and Touri Clin Res or NonTT
Laux, Chad WL - Programs Clerical
Braun, Joseph Wl Operations/Technical
Laux, Chad NC - Human Resources Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Lugowski, Jan WL - Chemistry LTD
Baker, Deborah CAL - Office of Universit Fire/Police Mgmt

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