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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Clauson, Alisa A CAL - Mathematics Comput Limited Term Lect $ 3,600.00
Clauson, Jill T WL - Mechanical Engineeri Clerical $ 30,651.34

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Clauson, CAL - 1CollNursing Graduate Student
Ohlander, Erik WL - Anthropology Mgmt/Prof
Galley, WL - 4BOSO Ops Fire/Police Admin
Piegza, Amanda FW - Computer Science Admin/Prof
Bergmann, Michael WL - HHS Admin Clerical
Pitcher, WL - Maps and Records Operations/Technical
Ohlander, Erik WL - Certificate Program Service
Delks, Kim WL - English Student
Kavanaugh, FW - 2DeptofPubPo Temporary Cler/Serv
Albaugh, CAL - Information Service Fire/Police BW Sal
Sandell, WL - Rack-n-Roll Professional

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