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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Chandra, Anindita WL - Vice President for E Admin/Prof $ 3,037.54
Chandramouli, Chandramouli V CAL - 1MechEngCiv Faculty $ 111,693.18
Chandramouli, Magesh CAL - Computer Informatio Faculty $ 96,461.36
Chandrasekar, Srinivasan WL - Industrial Engineeri Faculty $ 190,001.01
Chandrasekhar, Rajnish FW - 2 CME Limited Term Lect $ 8,282.98

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Chandra, WL - Materials Management Faculty
Lowder, WL - Academic Technologie Student
Powell, Julie FW - VC Fin Mgmt/Prof
Cox, Brittiny WL - 4MMD Admin/Prof
McCall, Gordon WL - Libraries M/P Management
Eakin, WL - Health Professional
Molter, Roberta NC - Dean of Students Temporary Cler/Serv
Landgrebe, Mark WL - Animal Disease Diagn Temporary
Gervais, Victor NC - Communication Clin Res or NonTT
Ouyang, Zheng WL - Liberal Arts Counsel Limited Term Lecture
Cloutier, Sara WL - Human Development an Clerical

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