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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Buzzard, Gregery T WL - 4Math Faculty $ 188,892.72

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Buzzard, WL - Polytechnic Richmond facult
Michalec, Pamela WL - Villa Pizza Admin/Prof
Hunt, David WL - English Service
Young, Joshua FW - Small Business Devel Clerical
Reineke, Ayn NC - Financial Aid Limited Term Lect
Christ, Cindy NC - Heating and Power Temporary
Cassady, Shannon WL - Windsor Dining Student
Janes, Troy FW - Bursar faculty
Quirk, Jill WL - 4ConsSci Fire/Police Mgmt
Storms, Brandon WL - Tarkington Residence Operations/Technical
Muhammad, Ray WL - Ofc of International Professional

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