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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Burns, Antoine D WL - IT Security and Poli Admin/Prof $ 3,416.44
Burns, Betty L WL - Building Services Service $ 24,297.60
Burns, Christi L WL - IT Security and Poli Mgmt/Prof $ 57,455.88
Burns, Dawn A WL - Animal Disease Diagn Service $ 28,942.47
Burns, Eric T FW - Student Athletics Admin/Prof $ 44,042.16
Burns, Gregory R WL - Intercollegiate Athl Admin/Prof $ 72,746.13
Burns, Kimberly A FW - Nursing Limited Term Lect $ 3,285.00
Burns, Martha H WL - 4012 Mgmt/Prof $ 65,196.06
Burns, Minta J WL - Hall of Music Operat Service $ 41,637.56
Burns, Pamela S WL - Physical Facilities Admin/Prof $ 53,665.50
Burns, Thomas J WL - In-House Project Man Admin/Prof $ 58,866.60
Burns, Thomas E WL - Building Services Service $ 11,256.52
Burns, Tony L WL - 4Police Dept Temporary Cler/Serv $ 192.50

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Burns, WL - Payroll Services Clerical
Melton, Emily FW - Rad Admin/Prof
Franklin, Jennifer WL - 4BOfcStdLife Mgmt/Prof
Buckenmeyer, WL - Krannert Leaders Aca Operations/Technical
Franklin, Anthony FW - Marketing Promotions Student
Niles, NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Temporary Cler/Serv
Garcia, NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Temporary
Sarhage, NC - Vice Chancellor Acad faculty
Peroulis, Dimitrios NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Service
Scheeringa, Kenneth NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Limited Term Lect
Hacker, WL - Agricultural Communi Graduate Student

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