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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Bhadra, Anindya WL - Statistics Faculty $ 49,028.44

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Bhadra, FW - 2VC Financia Service
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Bertram, CAL - 1BootsBooks Admin/Prof
Bertram, Tracy CAL - 1BootsBooks Faculty
Mendrysa, Susan WL - Strategic Management Clerical
Geiger, WL - Advance Operations/Technical
Gonzalez Mendoza, Antonia WL - Electrical and Compute Temporary
Johnston, Connie WL - Department of Econom Mgmt/Prof
Baker, WL - Philosophy Post doc
Jepsen, James WL - Mechanical Engineeri facult
Sullivan, Michael WL - Technical Assistance Clin Res or NonTT

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