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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Beaty, James J WL - Agronomy Farm Mgmt/Prof $ 90,548.64
Beaty, Janet H WL - College of Agricultu Admin/Prof $ 34,190.18

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Beaty, WL - The Port facult
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Phebus, Sue WL - Promotions/Marketing Admin/Prof
Huber, WL - Video Services Clerical
Kender, Laurie WL - Naval Science Clinical/Research
Morrison, Jeffrey WL - 4Col Of Sci M/P Professional
Veach, Kurtis WL - UR Administration Limited Term Lect
Parker, Michelle WL - 4Purdue ID Mgmt/Prof
La Lopa, WL - Purdue Memorial Unio Operations/Technical
Igo, WL - IT Enterprise Applic Service
Kaeser, WL - Hall of Music Operat Student

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