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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Beard, James F FW - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 54,195.06
Beard, Jane A WL - Field Extension Educ Mgmt/Prof $ 58,976.04
Beard, Katherine A WL - Veterinary Medical T Operations/Technical $ 27,849.17
Beard, Linda K WL - College of Education Clerical $ 22,148.63
Beard-Snelling, Dana D WL - Field Extension Educ Service $ 20,210.04
Bearden, Debra S WL - School of Management Admin/Prof $ 59,525.52

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Beard, WL - Div of Construction Admin/Prof
Stetzel, Christopher WL - Div of Construction Operations/Technical
Hjortland, Nicole FW - Ofc of Acad Intern Faculty
Antonelli, Nicholas FW - Ofc of Acad Intern Temporary
Hunt, Rebecca FW - Ofc of Acad Intern Clerical
Pilkington, Jennifer NC - Information Center Mgmt/Prof
Hirschbiel, Jane - Polytechnic Columbus Service
Wagoner, Karen FW - Animal Research Clin Limited Term Lect
Hintz, James FW - Administrative Busin M/P Management
Johnson, FW - Academic Affairs Adm facult
Johnson, Stacy WL - PEC Distance Learnin Visiting Fac/Emeriti

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