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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Barnard, Freddie L WL - Agricultural Economi Faculty $ 105,734.50
Barnard, Karen J WL - Vice President for S Clerical $ 31,544.39
Barnard, Lori A WL - Office of Investment Admin/Prof $ 46,660.74
Barnard, M Blayr G WL - Office of Engagement Mgmt/Prof $ 76,845.42

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Barnard, WL - Testing Center Mgmt/Prof
Seabold, WL - CoEduc Admin police
Russell, NC - Copy Center Temporary
Voudrie, WL - 4Bio Sci Post Doc Intern Res
Coroian, WL - Business Office Mana Admin/Prof
Smith, Daniel WL - Hort/Landscape Archi Clerical
Huffman, WL - 4AIT Operations/Technical
Runyon, WL - 4Conferences Student
Price, CAL - 1AlumAffairs Temporary Cler/Serv
Ryan, Patrick WL - Native American Educ Faculty
Rawles, Monique WL - Native American Educ Service

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