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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Aryal, Gokarna R CAL - Math and Statistics Faculty $ 85,941.88
Aryal, Sadikshya WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Service $ 15,284.40
Aryal, Uma K WL - Compar Pathobiology Clinical/Research $ 114,782.76

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Aryal, CAL - CAL - Grounds Admin/Prof
Ping, Michael WL - Department of Manage Faculty
Domonkos, Richard WL - Enrollment Mgmt Limited Term Lect
Wassgren, Carl NC - VC Enrollment Mgmt facult
Van Someren, Matthew WL - Director of Dining Post Doc Intern Res
Poindexter, Kathleen FW - Mathematics Mgmt/Prof
Burgess, Jasmine FW - Engineering and Techno Operations/Technical
Stevenson, Rebecca WL - University Theatre Temporary Cler/Serv
Shi, Xin WL - Woodland Management Service
Gopalarathinam, WL - Curriculum Student
Buda, Geeta CAL - Instructional Techn Clinical/Research

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