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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Allan, Blake A WL - Educational Studies Faculty $ 87,275.30
Allan, Jonathan M CAL - Cal Building Servic Temporary $ 8,695.70
Allan, Matthew C WL - Food Science Post Doc $ 48,210.11
Allan, Roberta E CAL - Registrar M/P Management $ 62,889.68

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Allan, WL - 4Wind Dining Faculty
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Burr, WL - Chemistry Admin/Prof
Cooklev, Todor CAL - Mechanical Engineer Student
Burnau, Lana NC - Communication Clerical
Carlascio, CAL - Mechanical Engineer facult
Cochran, David CAL - 1HisPolSciEc Professional
Cooklev, Todor WL - 4Bio Sci Police Hourly
Cochran, David WL - Electrical and Compute Limited Term Lect
Chen, WL - WL WILY Admin Graduate Student
Ouzzani, Mourad WL - 4Bus Ofc HHS Mgmt/Prof

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