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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
All, Elizabeth J WL - Educational Studies Limited Term Lecture $ 13,215.18
Allaire, Scott C WL - Forestry & Natur Service $ 27,249.50
Allan, Blake A WL - Educational Studies Faculty $ 39,262.33
Allan, Jonathan M CAL - Cal Building Servic Temporary $ 9,126.00
Allan, Matthew C WL - Food Science Post Doc $ 7,774.50
Allan, Megan K WL - Emerg Critical Care Service $ 16,527.47
Allan, Roberta E CAL - Registrar M/P Management $ 47,284.40
Allard, Sarah E WL - Aero & Astro Professional $ 53,102.64
Allbaugh, Christine M WL - IT Student Solutions Professional $ 66,367.56
Allbaugh, Debra K WL - NCNC Admin Support $ 28,559.60
Allbaugh, Janet WL - Delphi Dept M/P Professional $ 91,839.12
Allbee, William E WL - Biometrics Limited Term Lecture $ 12,499.97
Allebach, Jan P WL - Electrical & Com Faculty $ 299,375.76
Allen, Adrian S WL - Ofc of Legal Counsel M/P Professional $ 197,699.56
Allen, April FW - Library Admin Temporary $ 8,200.00
Allen, Charles W WL - Purdue Conferences Service $ 31,790.13
Allen, Charrin T CAL - VC Information Serv Service $ 41,881.44
Allen, Colin J WL - Building Services - Service $ 22,685.10
Allen, Darcy H WL - Botany & Plant P Professional $ 52,376.40
Allen, David M WL - Marketing & Medi Professional $ 69,980.64
Allen, Devin C FW - Civil & Mech Eng Service $ 40,530.36
Allen, Emily L WL - English Faculty $ 145,966.44
Allen, Janet M CAL - VC Information Serv Support $ 29,136.12
Allen, Jeffrey S CAL - Biological Sciences Limited Term Lecture $ 5,702.04
Allen, Jodi A CAL - Nursing BS Program Faculty $ 87,513.02
Allen, Karen A WL - School of Management Support $ 50,527.26
Allen, Kathy S WL - Academic 2 Professional $ 68,519.64
Allen, Malissa A WL - Ag Economics Support $ 48,044.81
Allen, Marcella H CAL - Sponsored Programs Support $ 21,511.61
Allen, Matthew C WL - PLaCE Management $ 68,867.67

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
All, CAL - Admissions Operations/Technical
Bishop, NC - Heating and Power Clerical
Frank, Daniel WL - Tarkington Residence Admin/Prof
Meadows, Sonya WL - Honors College Professional
Rohm, NC - Admissions Service
Hoagland, Lori WL - Office of Government Temporary Cler/Serv
Fergusson, Http://Www.Google.Com WL - WL WILY RA Graduate Student
Needler, Brant NC - Financial Aid Student
Brewer, Robert WL - Villa Pizza Faculty
Miranda, Paolo WL - Electrical Post Doc
Bleke, WL - Administrative Compu Temporary

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