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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Alexander, Brandi S WL - Hilltop Apartments Service $ 3,294.41
Alexander, Brian J FW - Grounds Service $ 50,374.53
Alexander, Corey J WL - Grounds Service $ 31,088.65
Alexander, Corinne E WL - Agricultural Economi Faculty $ 124,714.32
Alexander, Deana M FW - Mathematics Continuing Lecturer $ 54,361.72
Alexander, Holly A WL - Parking Facilities Mgmt/Prof $ 74,078.40
Alexander, Joshua M WL - Speech Language and Faculty $ 98,074.37
Alexander, Meghan M WL - Agricultural Economi Admin/Prof $ 55,370.94
Alexander, Paula K FW - Bursar and Student F Clerical $ 28,534.67
Alexander, Theresa M WL - Earhart Residence Ha Service $ 17,409.11
Alexander-Conte, Mary G WL - 4PayrollSvcs Mgmt/Prof $ 70,713.20

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Alexander, WL - Women in Management Clerical
Passaglia, Kelsey WL - Student Service Service
Nielsen, S WL - Student Service Admin/Prof
Brierton, Thomas FW - Mastodon Acad Perf Operations/Technical
Farrell, FW - Student Success Post Doc Intern Res
Raver, Angela WL - Rolls Royce faculty
Hess, Beth WL - ISDA Graduate Student
Tate, Ryan WL - IT Enterprise Applic facult
Schlossberger, WL - Communication Fire/Police BW Sal
Peyton, Brandon WL - Linguistics OT-CLOSED GROUP
Ataoguz, Jenny WL - Linguistics Limited Term Lect

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