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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Brewer, Zachary B WL - School of Management Clerical $ 11,486.28

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Brewer, Zachary WL - Strategic Management Faculty
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Blackwell, Glenn WL - BIRS Weekend Admin/Prof
Budreau, Alexis WL - 4Interc Athl Service
Bierman, WL - Center for Med Safet Clerical
Humphrey, WL - Center for Med Safet Student
Blackman, Denise WL - The Cyber Center Continuing Lecturer
Allen, April NC - Student Services Mgmt/Prof
Biery, Mindy WL - WL SHRV RA Temporary
Bierbaum, CAL - Assist Vice Chancel Post doc
Bienz, CAL - Assist Vice Chancel Police Hourly

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