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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lacy, William F CAL - Intercollegiate Ath Temporary $ 10,226.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lacy, William WL - Mathematics Clerical
Fernando, W K Boosabaduge Mary Sumudinie NC - Bursar Service
Tribbett, Robin WL - WL - Grounds facult
Redwine, Jennifer WL - WL Honors RA Temporary
Willson, WL - WL PVIL ESL Student
Christmon, Kenneth WL - WL TSS Admin Mgmt/Prof
Fernando, W K Boosabaduge Mary Sumudinie WL - WL CQ Admin Admin/Prof
Da Silva Mello Junior, Alberto WL - Rack-n-Roll Fire/Police BW Sal
Houser, Rebecca CAL - New Student Orienta Police Hourly
Richardson, Valerie CAL - New Student Orienta faculty
Da Silva Mello Junior, Alberto WL - Woodland Farms Post Doc

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