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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Campbell, Wayne W WL - Nutrition Science Faculty $ 175,510.17

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Campbell, Wayne NC - Registrar Admin/Prof
Schlenk, Steven NC - Registrar Clerical
Greer, Rochelle NC - Registrar Temporary
Lipman, Marc NC - EMSA Reporting Temporary A/P
Udawatte, WL - Veterinary Medical T Faculty
Piepenbrink, NC - Office of Institutio Student
Burdick, NC - Office of Institutio Service
Richardson, Jaclyn NC - Office of Institutio Limited Term Lecture
Wireman, Gregory CAL - 1EMSARepOpin Fire/Police BW Sal
Steele, Sandra CAL - 1VCEMSA Fellowship Pre Doc
Tombers, Paul CAL - 1VCEMSA facult

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