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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Polce, Vincent J FW - Music Limited Term Lect $ 1,715.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Polce, Vincent WL - Materials Engineerin Service
Sells, Daniel WL - Psychological Scienc Fire/Police BW Sal
Predina, David NC - Financial Aid Professional
Wiete, WL - Honors College Faculty
McCain, Robyn WL - WL WILY RA Clerical
Zolman, Donald WL - Villa Pizza Limited Term Lect
Maxwell, Karen WL - Technology Rs Center Admin/Prof
Tallamraju, WL - Office of Government Mgmt/Prof
Hynes, FW - Professional Studies Operations/Technical
Seidl, NC - Admissions Continuing Lecturer
Assad, Daleth FW - Registrar Limited Term Lecture

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