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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Jankowski, Victoria A NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Clerical $ 29,898.43

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Jankowski, Victoria WL - Electrical and Compute faculty
Flora, Susan WL - WL WILY Admin Admin/Prof
Vazquez Tavares, Abraham WL - 4Bus Ofc HHS Student
Smolinske, WL - Div of Construction Clerical
Richter, WL - Div of Construction facult
Bowen, Brent WL - Div of Construction Professional
Gritzmaker, WL - Div of Construction Police Hourly
Whitford, Jo WL - Div of Construction Limited Term Lect
Paniagua Perez, Guillermo WL - Div of Construction Graduate Student
Geiger, Melissa WL - Div of Construction Mgmt/Prof
Ritchie, WL - Hort/Landscape Archi Service

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