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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Young, Trenton D WL - Police Dept. Police Hourly $ 71,251.75

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Young, Trenton FW - 2BudgtOff Temporary Cler/Serv
Frost, Gordon WL - Center Comp Trans Re Limited Term Lect
Fritz, John WL - BIRS Weekend Faculty
Rispoli, Mandy FW - Grounds Non-exempt Prof
Geswein, WL - Psychological Scienc Temporary
Merritt, WL - Southern Indiana-Pur Service
Fish, Jason CAL - 1CollegeEMS Fire/Police Mgmt
Boyer, WL - Genomics Core Rechar M/P Management
Brose, Carrie WL - 4ITAS Student
Martin, CAL - School of Education Admin/Prof
Hanna, Titus CAL - 1MarketComm Clerical

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