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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Clark, Tracy L WL - English Continuing Lecturer $ 48,872.32

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Clark, Tracy WL - 4CPK Limited Term Lect
Luce, WL - PRIME Lab faculty
Miethke, Wl Student
Mickelini, WL - 4ADR facult
Roginski, CAL - Construction Scienc Admin/Prof
Smethers, Steven WL - Agricultural Economi Temporary
Johnson, Glenda WL - Convocations and Lec Continuing Lecturer
Panici, Melissa WL - Mathematics Service
Moles, FW - Communication Support
Resnick, Jeffrey WL - 4ActvOrgPMU Post Doc
Waller, Patricia WL - Convocations and Lec Mgmt/Prof

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