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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kerr, Timothy P WL - College of Agricultu Mgmt/Prof $ 71,062.80

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Kerr, Timothy FW - VC for Advancement A Graduate Student
Beebe, WL - Education Res faculty
Commons, Julie NC - Department of Busine Clerical
Inamdar, FW - Student Activities Mgmt/Prof
Bilyk, Lana WL - Academic Success Cen Admin/Prof
Bryant, Justin WL - Au Bon Pain Professional
Watson, Maria CAL - Athletics Management
Boyce, Kim WL - Center for Paralysis Temporary
Purple, Katherine WL - School of Hospitalit Continuing Lecturer
Marz, Susan FW - Office of Institutio Service
Clark, Kenneth WL - High Voltage Student

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