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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hoffman, Tamara D WL - 4SBBCLE Operations/Technical $ 29,500.28

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Hoffman, Tamara WL - 4Schl Cnst M Operations/Technical
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Maeda, Yukiko WL - 4HawkinsHall Faculty
Kirkpatrick, Jane WL - Purdue University St Temporary Cler/Serv
Purvis, WL - PMU Culinary Mgmt/Prof
Barczyk, Casimir WL - Office of Marketing Admin/Prof
Eiden, Nicholas NC - College of Business Student
Pistole, Mary WL - Vice President for P Service
Xin, Yan Ping WL - Vice President for P Continuing Lecturer
Knupfer, Anne WL - Vice President for P Post Doc Intern Res
High, Matthew WL - Vice President for P Intern

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