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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kerst, Suzi C WL - Physical and Capital Admin/Prof $ 48,734.76

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Kerst, Suzi WL - Office of Profession Admin/Prof
Sheese, Danielle WL - Network for Computat Service
Low, Tony CAL - HR Admin Operations/Technical
Srinivasan, WL - 4PRFUDO Faculty
Glotzbach, Janet WL - Purdue Center for Ca Graduate Student
Adam, Christopher WL - 4PRF Mgmt/Prof
Peterson, WL - 4NCN Clinical/Research
Bond, Sally WL - 4ISS Student
Crowell, Jennifer CAL - 1HR Temporary
Kelly, Michael WL - Libraries facult
DeSutter, Richard WL - 4GEP Professional

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