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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Gauger, Steve A WL - Department of Food S Non-exempt Prof $ 26,563.45

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Gauger, Steve WL - Office of the Provos facult
Glotzbach, Janet FW - Arts and Sciences Acad Service
Doebele, Constance WL - Office of VP for Inf Non-exempt Prof
Bush, WL - Office Exec Vice Pre Mgmt/Prof
Gallivan, WL - College of Science A Temporary Cler/Serv
Mart, Petra FW - SIS Support Svcs Continuing Lecturer
Sellgren, CAL - 1Development faculty
Westendorf, Melissa CAL - 1FitRecInt Post Doc Intern Res
Brush, WL - Engineering Professi Post Doc
Clopton, Christopher WL - EM Operating Clerical
Galyon, WL - Aviation Technology M/P Professional

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