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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Buttes, Stephen M FW - International Langua Faculty $ 75,027.68

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Buttes, Stephen WL - Women In Engineering Admin/Prof
Ma, Xiuzeng WL - 4PCDD Limited Term Lect
Schimmel, NC - VC Enrollment Mgmt Post Doc Intern Res
Mohammadpour, Atefeh WL - Freehafer Hall Mgmt/Prof
Fenters, Michael FW - Engineering and Techno Operations/Technical
Fassnacht, Brad WL - Director of Dining Temporary Cler/Serv
Dunlap, Jill WL - Enrollment Mgmt Faculty
Pruitt, Robert WL - Advance Service
Vukotic, Tatiana WL - Woodland Management Student
Leng, Yujun FW - Athletic Center Oper Clinical/Research
Sundaram, Vinaitheerthan CAL - 1ACE Fire/Police BW Sal

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