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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kelkar, Shivangi M WL - Agricultural and Biolo Temporary Cler/Serv $ 3,234.00

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Hewa Nadungodage, Chandima CAL - Vice Chancellor Adm Continuing Lecturer
Huley, WL - Nutrition Science Admin/Prof
Alkire, Catherine WL - Agricultural and Biolo facult
Murray, Dennis WL - Electrical Post doc
Schellhase, Ellen WL - Forestry and Natural Graduate Student
Teso, FW - 2Dental Educ Student
Baer, Jared WL - Heat and Power Adminis Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Osborne, Kimberly WL - 4DigitalED Clerical
Martinuk, John NC - Dean of Students Faculty

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