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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hardebeck, Sherry A WL - 4Honors Admin/Prof $ 63,870.30

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Hardebeck, Sherry WL - Veterinary Clinical Continuing Lecturer
Panigrahi, Suranjan WL - Department of Manage Clerical
Guariniello, Cesare CAL - English and Philoso Admin/Prof
Hemersbach, Jeffrey WL - Student Success Faculty
Balser, Stanette FW - Engagement Admin Service
Bartolacci, Mary Jo WL - Airport Operations Temporary
Catlin, FW - Alumni Relations Student
Eremenko, Alexandre CAL - Technological Infra Temporary Cler/Serv
DeAztlan, Tonantzin WL - School of Management Limited Term Lect
Nyongani, Edward WL - School of Languages Operations/Technical
Bennett, S Jennifer NC - Quantitative Busines Mgmt/Prof

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