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Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Kouns, Shannon WL - Latino Cultural Cent Resident
Bricker, Glynn WL - Latino Cultural Cent Faculty
Miller, Dennis WL - Latino Cultural Cent Clerical
Ellinwood, Steven WL - Latino Cultural Cent Temporary Cler/Serv
Andrew, WL - Diversity Programs Police Hourly
Schroeder, CAL - 1SAS Limited Term Lect
Gelvin, Stanton WL - ISS UG Admissions Support
Resler, Joshua WL - Discovery Park Admin Admin/Prof
Devine, Barbara FW - Arts and Sciences Acad Fire/Police BW Sal
Brewer, Jeffrey FW - Arts and Sciences Acad Student
Rawles, Phillip WL - Heat Operations/Technical

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