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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sheppard, Sarah A WL - 4Police Dept Police Hourly $ 74,158.72

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Sheppard, Sarah CAL - 1ColBusiness faculty
Mumford, Kevin WL - Woodland Management Post Doc Intern Res
Olson, Matthew FW - 2StuSucTrans Student
Bowerman, NC - F S Equip Rep and Repl Service
Ward, Amanda WL - 4Col Of Educ Limited Term Lect
Cadwell, Bridget WL - The Energy Center Admin/Prof
Ramirez, Karen WL - Enrollment Mgmt Clinical/Research
Bi, Pengpeng NC - VC Enrollment Mgmt Operations/Technical
Yang, Haibing WL - Director of Dining Mgmt/Prof
Kauffman, Michael FW - Engineering and Techno Fire/Police BW Sal
Wodicka, George WL - Materials Engineerin Clerical

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