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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Cockerill, Russel L WL - 4Cary Quad Service $ 24,484.67

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Cockerill, Russel WL - 4Comm Fire/Police Admin
Meyer, Kerry FW - 2 ECE Fire/Police BW Sal
Abramowitz, Harvey WL - Marketing Continuing Lecturer
Joneson, CAL - VC Finance Clerical
Sands, Laura WL - 4PMU Dining Mgmt/Prof
Abramowitz, Harvey WL - 4Shreve Police Hourly
De Leon, Kim WL - Field Extension Educ Limited Term Lect
Younts, CAL - Intramurals Admin/Prof
Obermeyer, WL - Liberal Arts Counsel Operations/Technical
Capozzoli, WL - College of Health an Service
McMurtry, Daniel WL - Technical Assistance Fire/Police Mgmt

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