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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mahrling, Roger B WL - Biological Sciences Admin/Prof $ 64,544.34

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Mahrling, Roger WL - College of Health an Service
Snethen, Dwight WL - Office of Profession Admin/Prof
Shell, Nicholas NC - Social Science Operations/Technical
Zhang, Mei WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Student
Maahs, Michael WL - Communication Temporary Cler/Serv
Padgett, NC - Valparaiso Academic facult
Lemen, WL - 4IndusandPhys Faculty
Panici, Melissa CAL - Managerial Studies Temporary
Thorlton, NC - PoliSci/Econ/WL Limited Term Lect
Stanfield, J WL - Operations Managemen Mgmt/Prof
Bigott, Joseph WL - Food Stores Post Doc

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