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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hines, Rochelle L WL - OEPP Support $ 25,438.27

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Flack, WL - Strategic Management faculty
Nikhil, WL - Nutrition Science Mgmt/Prof
Lin, Yi-Shan WL - Dean of Students Graduate Student
Doland, Edith WL - Entomology Fire/Police Mgmt
Zeytinoglu, Nuri WL - 4SchLangCltr Fire/Police BW Sal
Gephart, Raymond FW - DCS Credit Ops Fire/Police Admin
Littlefield, WL - 4Comm Service
Weaver, John WL - IT Business Solution Clerical
Adair, WIlliam CAL - Chemistry and Physi Continuing Lecturer

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