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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Kurbanov, Robin L FW - Continuing Studies Limited Term Lect $ 584.76

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Kurbanov, Robin FW - Human Services Post Doc
Putt, Mark WL - Building Services Admin/Prof
Wiggins, WL - Sociology Department Clerical
Fleenor, Sheperd WL - 4Procure Limited Term Lect
Johnson, Sharman WL - Business Office Engi Student
Orns, Matthew WL - Center for Paralysis Service
Bible, FW - Management and Marketi Faculty
Rich, Diane CAL - Enterprise Systems Mgmt/Prof
Brubaker, WL - PMU Culinary Operations/Technical
Sanger, WL - WL HAWK RA Temporary
Orns, Matthew NC - Human Resources facult

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