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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Grass, Raymond FW - Nursing Limited Term Lect $ 6,000.04

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Grass, Raymond FW - Printing Services Support
Plumb, Heather FW - Printing Services Operations/Technical
Begley, Jill FW - Printing Services Temporary
Plumb, Heather FW - Printing Services Faculty
Lafon, FW - Printing Services Clerical
Parli, Kevin CAL - Managerial Studies facult
Kelly, Michael WL - Southwest - Purdue A Student
Foster, Connie WL - Southwest - Purdue A Service
Gurganus, Kayla WL - Southwest - Purdue A Fire/Police BW Sal
Dixon, Jameson WL - Southwest - Purdue A Limited Term Lect
Niles, WL - Southwest - Purdue A Admin/Prof

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